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Lisa Pendergrass, Richland Hills

I have been with Dr. White for 15 years. He and his staff have always been very informative, caring and personable. They treat you like family. They are always there when you need them. If they cannot be there they will direct you to someone who can help. I can always count on them to go above and beyond to help my horse.


Diamond W has been my vet service for 10 years. I can not say enough good things about them. From general vet care to emergencies, they have always been there for my equine family. They have gone above and beyond on numerous occasions. I had two horses that were in emergency situations that could not be saved after the doctors did everything they could to save them. I think they felt almost as badly as I did from losing my family members. I highly recommend Diamond W. You are not a client with them, you are family.